Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 5 First Saturday

Today my Mum is phoning my Canadian phone number. As she is a technophobe we all have strong doubts that this call will even make it through!! Anyway bank on 8am the call comes in! rather bizarrely I am already washed showered and done my hair before the call which is crazy as this is a phone call! But I also figure that by the time my Mum stops talking everyone else will be ready to go out so its a double wammey.

Mike takes us to Oakville which is a lovely town so that we can look for homes to rent. Trouble is we feel like leapers because there are no homes with our criteria!! He takes up to other towns, but once you've been shown the best its hard to get enthusiastic  :(  We go to a burger place called Chuck's. I have to say this was the best burger I have ever eaten its a tiny place with 5 tables and rammed with people trying to eat there. Luckily we got 3 seats :) what Mike didn't explain was that once you've eaten you have to carry your stomach around with you like a loaded trolley for the rest of the day.  We then did a huge Longos run and a huge run as LCBO which is a drinks supermarket this place makes you feel really naughty as you cannot buy drink anywhere else, so obviously only the really really cool people go there! We are all extremely friendly to each other, rather like it must be for people on a smoke break at work,

Get back to flat to find that joy of joys the TV package has finally been upgraded to sports and movies...HURRAH!!!

Tomorrow is Superbowl... will report more after that!

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